Products and Services That Support the Environment

Products and Services That Support the Environment

MetLife’s products and services are a component of our environmental stewardship. We offer sustainable insurance and investment products and reduce the waste associated with our products.

Global Sustainability Governance
A MetLife Japan colleague plants a tree in the MetLife Foundation Forest, Miyagi prefecture, as part of a joint program between the Foundation and Japan Environmental Education Forum.

Sustainable Investment Products

In Bangladesh, we’ve invested in the country’s first internationally certified sustainability bond, issued by Runner Automobiles, which will use the proceeds to provide credit to customers buying low-emissions three‑wheel vehicles. Runner also plans to use the funds to build a rooftop solar plant on its manufacturing facility. See our Sustainability Products and Services table for information about our sustainable products and services, including unit-linked insurance plans.

Reducing Resource Use Through Digital Communications

In response to customer demand for MetLife to modernize communications, we are pivoting from paper to digital communications wherever possible, thereby reducing paper use and the waste associated with it.

In many of our regions and businesses, customers can submit claims, make payments and access documentation and other policy information online. In several cases we also tie tree-planting initiatives to customer engagement and sales (see Protecting Nature and Biodiversity for more information on tree planting). Examples include:

  • In Japan, to encourage adoption of our digital platform and to reduce the use of paper, we made donations to the Children’s Forest Program, which resulted in 20,000 seedlings being planted by schoolchildren and local communities in vulnerable areas of Indonesia.
  • We invited MetLife China agents, customers and their families to join MetLife employees in the Green Hope tree planting project which planted more than 5,000 trees in 14 cities.

MetLife Uruguay delivered:


of policies digitally in December 2023, compared to 74% in December 2022.

MetLife Chile increased digital claims to:


in 2023, compared to 81% in 2022.

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Delivering Care Through the Customer Experience

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for more information on MetLife initiatives and progress.