Delivering Care Through the Customer Experience

Delivering Care Through the Customer Experience

Delivering care through the customer experience is central to MetLife’s product and service offerings. We deliver on our promise of care by committing to exceptional service delivery through simple, timely and effective solutions.

MetLife has been on a journey with artificial intelligence (AI) for several years, leveraging forms of AI such as machine learning to drive innovation and efficiency across business functions, including customer service, fraud detection and underwriting. AI technologies have enabled MetLife to gain deeper insights into customer behavior, preferences and needs. Using these insights, we have been able to personalize our offerings, provide targeted recommendations and deliver more tailored and seamless experiences to our customers. Read more about MetLife’s Responsible Use of AI.

Our 2023 Global Hackathon focused on customer care, bringing together nearly 3,000 MetLife colleagues and contractors across departments, functions and geographies to develop, finesse and pitch innovative ideas to heighten the customer experience. The four-week challenge yielded more than 300 unique, tech-forward solutions that have the power to improve customer care. The winning project was a disability claims tracker that helps customers understand the progress of their claim. The winning team received additional funding through MetLife’s Experimentation Fund to help implement their idea.

Global Sustainability Governance
Colleagues from MetLife Korea who participated in the 2023 MetLife Global Hackathon celebrate their success.

Team Springs into Action to Deliver Customer Care

Working on MetLife’s Global Customer Service and Operations team can mean fielding routine customer calls, answering questions, replying to claim inquiries and showing empathy as a customer talks about the loss of a loved one. It can also mean being on the line when a customer calls in extreme emotional distress. In such situations, our teams are trained to lead with empathy and great care, while following protocol.

In Australia, the team’s Crisis Call Pathway Tool supports frontline staff in responding early and proactively to signs of distress. One of our case managers, along with strategy and recovery specialists, activated the tool after they noted a change in a customer’s behavior and her comments that she was having trouble finding access to a psychologist and a psychiatrist to support her. The tool helped the team identify that the customer was at risk and prompted them to put a support plan in place. Through two crisis management calls and a welfare check, the MetLife colleagues provided the customer with details for a 24-hour suicide prevention helpline and worked with her to download the 360Health app to make sure she could find a service provider.

Following our team’s intervention, the customer later noted that she was feeling better and was grateful for the care and support of the MetLife Australia team.

MetLife Hungary recognizes colleagues during Customer Service Week.

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