

Each year, thousands of colleagues participate in our employee engagement program to promote environmental stewardship, called “Our Green Impact.” The program offers colleagues on-site and virtual environmental education, as well as volunteer opportunities. In addition to location-based “green teams” that drive initiatives at the office level, every MetLife line of business, function and region has a climate goals champion responsible for helping the enterprise achieve our short- and long-term goals. Over 20 champions gather bimonthly to set objectives for their function, drive action, collect metrics and share progress with their senior leaders and colleagues.

More than 4,300 colleagues from 40+ markets participated in the 2022 MetLife EcoChallenge, an annual two-week competition to encourage colleagues to adopt green habits. Participation in the challenge has tripled since 2020, making 2022 our most impactful challenge to date. 

Up next: Our Reforestation Efforts

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1 All numbers are rounded and based on's methodology.