

The MetLife Board of Directors’ Governance and Corporate Responsibility Committee reviews policies and positions regarding environmental and social matters of significance to the company, including sustainability, climate action, human rights, political and charitable contributions, and other corporate social responsibility issues. The MetLife Board of Directors’ Audit Committee is responsible for the oversight of controls and procedures relating to financial information and non-financial data, including environmental data, in the company’s disclosures. MetLife’s Chief Sustainability Officer and other senior leaders report progress on commitments and programs to the Board multiple times per year, and a Sustainability Reporting Steering Committee sponsored by our Chief Accounting Officer and Head of Corporate Affairs oversees all sustainability regulatory and reporting disclosures and is responsible for the consistency and appropriate control oversight of such disclosures, including those focused on climate issues.

In addition, every MetLife line of business, function and region has one or more dedicated Climate Champions responsible for helping integrate environmental stewardship strategies into the business and driving progress toward our short- and long-term climate commitments. Champions launch and promote environmental initiatives that engage customers and employees, collect metrics on performance and meet bimonthly to discuss objectives, challenges and successes.

We maintain policies, guidelines and reports that provide information regarding our environmental values and initiatives for colleagues, business partners and other stakeholders. These documents include:

See Responsible Governance to learn more about Sustainability Governance.


During Climate Week NYC, MetLife and Climate Impact Partners hosted a collaborative session on how to jump-start corporate climate action.


MetLife colleague leads a collaboration session during Climate Week NYC.

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Sustainable Offices and Operations

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Read our 2023 Sustainability Report

for more information on MetLife initiatives and progress.