
MetLife’s Supply Chain Sustainability Program incorporates sustainability criteria in our procurement process, including requests for information and within supplier contracts, and incentivizes environmental stewardship to reduce GHG emissions. 

We seek to increase the number of suppliers responding to the CDP Climate Change Questionnaire each year. In 2022, 181 suppliers disclosed climate risks, GHG emissions and other environmental data to us through this program, compared with 123 in 2021. We share a scorecard with these suppliers that identifies areas of strength and opportunities for improvement on climate change management and support them in setting targets to reduce emissions. We achieved our goal to have 100 suppliers set GHG emissions reduction targets by 2025 three years early, with 115 MetLife suppliers having public targets in 2022.

MetLife has a longstanding commitment to purchase products that have a lower environmental impact than others. We prioritize ENERGY STAR-certified IT equipment, sustainably sourced paper and green building materials, among other sustainable products and services.

         MetLife Supplier CDP 2022 Scorecard Results


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